

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question, “Is options trading safe?” Welcome to show 500 on the daily call podcast which is crazy. If you’ve been along this journey with us, I appreciate you guys being here. If you’re new to Option Alpha, welcome to the family. And I wanted to do this episode today on show 500 because I get this question a lot actually. The question is, “Is options trading safe?” It comes up again and again through email and chat support and whenever I talk to people online. And the answer to this question is in the form of another question and I would dare to say that everything potentially has risk, doesn't it? Even stock trading could potentially be unsafe or the question is, “Is stock trading or stock investing or index investing or passive investing or real estate investing, is it safe?” Safe is a relative word. It’s relative to the amount of capital you have at risk. It’s relative to the amount