

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why options calculators are a waste of time. I see this a lot and we’ve actually had a number of request over the last 10 years for Option Alpha to add an options calculator to our website, but I continue to refuse the request because options calculators are frankly a waste of time and the reason that they are a waste of time is because by the time that you enter all of the data into an options calculator to try to derive an option’s price, you basically have already missed a market move and the market is already trading past your expectations or the data that you put in. It’s basically just a fancy way of saying there's no reason for us to calculate option prices with a manual options calculator when it’s already being done on the fly and in real-time by every single brokerage out there. You can look up options pricing even through Yahoo and Google Finance in many cases, but if y