

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be discussing why you might want to trade VXXB options moving forward. Just as a clarification, last year, VXX announced that it would be suspending or basically coming up on its expiration of the ticker symbol and so, what's commonly referred to as the VXX options will now be trading basically under VXXB options. All they’re doing is basically just issuing the new ticker symbol to keep up with regulatory and compliance requirements. It's all the same product. It's all structured exactly the same way. And with VXXB options, basically what you’re trading is you’re trading implied volatility on a 30-day rolling basis for the S&P500. And so, the reason that you might want to trade VXXB options in any direction is to basically gain more pure type exposure to the S&P and to the VIX. Now, the problem as we’ve discussed in podcast and also on this podcast and numerous daily call episodes is that