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#477 - Options Trading Golden Rule #9: Reduce Commissions & Fees



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about options trading golden rule number nine which is reduce commissions and fees. I think generally, a lot of people when they get started in options trading and open up a brokerage account are surprised that you could actually go in and negotiate with your broker or find brokers that offer cheaper fees. Now, I publicly said a little while ago that I think all brokers at some point will be going towards a zero-commission, zero-fee structure. I think it’s the inevitable trajectory of this entire market. And although we are not there yet, I think many brokers are starting to gravitate towards no commissions and no fees for trading. And so, this is good for consumers and good for traders alike because commissions and fees are a cost of doing business. Now, I tell people all the time, even though commissions and fees might seem like they hurt, it’s actually just a cost of doing business and