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#473 - Options Trading Golden Rule #5: Net Option Seller



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about options trading golden rule number five which is that I believe you have to be a net option seller. There's no doubt that we have the most comprehensive research and database on option selling strategies and option buying strategies. In fact, when we released our profit matrix research which was arguably the most in-depth analysis of different option strategies, different variations and settings, tickers and industries, what we found is that most of the time when you are using an option selling strategy over an option buying strategy, you end up generating more money long-term. Now, this isn’t to say that option buying strategies can’t work in a vacuum. They could work in a particular month or a particular market event and I see people all the time touting these 75%, 50%, 100% returns as the baseline scenario for what you should do, but I highly doubt that they’re actually achievi
