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#468 - Developing Unwavering Confidence With Your Options Trading Strategy



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about developing unwavering confidence with your options trading strategy. What do I mean by this? Well, unwavering confidence to me is confidence that no matter what market situation you get dealt, no matter what stock move you’re currently experiencing, you've got enough confidence to stick with it, to stick with the program and to see it out to the end because you know that the numbers are going to work out in your favor. This is something that I've learned over the last 10 plus years of trading, but I think over the last four or five months as the markets have become much more volatile especially towards the end of 2018, a lot of people's confidence has been shaken and they don't know if the strategies that they’re using are going to work anymore. They haven't seen market moves that take the Dow or the S&P up 5% and down 5% in the same day. And so, that can be difficult. That ca
