

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about the New Year and our new goals for Option Alpha. As I look forward to 2019, we’ve got a couple of pretty big goals that we want to try to hit this year and a lot of it surrounds our new auto-trading platform that we’re going to be rolling out in stages here in the next coming months. But that being said, we have these six categories really of goals that we’ve kind of put together and I think that it works best when we talk about them in kind of broad categories because I think about our goals as these categories and kind of touching on each of these and a lot of this is what you're going to see in everything that we do here at Option Alpha in 2019. The first category of goals that we have is all around experience and basically just improving the overall experience that you have interacting with Option Alpha and this is on all fronts. This is through support, through social media