

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be discussing Option Alpha’s core values. I think this is really important as we wrap up 2018 and start moving forward into 2019 and beyond because Option Alpha in one shape or form has been around now for almost 10 years and that's pretty crazy to believe. And so, what I wanted to do is kind of revisit some of the core values that we’ve had and that we continue to have moving forward as a team and as a community for you guys and give you guys a little bit of transparency and insight into who we are and who we want to stay or become in the future. There’s a couple of these core key values that I think will really help out and again, give you guys a little bit of clarity for our side. Number one is pure motives. This is one that's been really big for me, is that I've always wanted to have pure motives and pure transparency in what we’re trying to do. We've often talked about how Option Alpha makes