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#464 - Why Great Parents Don't Give Up On Children Who Struggle To Read



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be discussing why great parents don't give up on children who struggle to read. Now, I know you’re probably wondering to yourself what in the world does this have to do with options trading and investing, but I will link up the two topics for you guys here together in one second. In our family, my oldest child is still learning how to read and still struggling a little bit with understanding and kind of like following along with words and sight words. And so, we’ve been practicing with sight word cards and trying to have her read very simple words and try to string them together, but she's really struggling in the sense that she's giving up on it too quickly. And she tries to read a word or a couple of words and she just throws up her hands and gives up very quickly and in my opinion, I think it's our responsibility as the parent to continue to teach her how to learn to fail and how to be good abo