

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why dividends fulfill this core human need. I think this is actually kind of interesting because I generally talk a lot with people about what their needs are and what they think about finance. As many of you guys know, I’m insanely interested and I geek out on just the psychology behind finance and what people want to do with wealth generation and what I consistently find is that the need for income fulfills a core human need which is why dividends and dividend paying stocks are really, really popular. In fact, just recently as we were celebrating the holidays and we were sitting around with family, we got on this discussion about dividends and somebody brought up – “Oh, this dividend stock pays this.” And “Oh, well, my dividend stock pays this and my dividend stock pays this.” And what I ultimately ended up learning from just watching and just kind of overseeing this conversatio