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#393 - The Basic Business Model Behind Options Trading As A Professional



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about the basic business model behind options trading as a professional. Here's the thing. Every business has a definable profit or edge that they are going after and all it comes down to is effectively spread. You can think about every single business, every single possible business out there and what they’re all going after is some conceivable spread between cost and revenue, so somewhere where they can make money as a profit. In case of trading, specifically as options traders and option sellers, what we are going after, our primary advantage is implied volatility and the edge that is derived between the expectation and the actual volatility of underlying prices. We have no discernible edge in market direction, so that’s something that people oftentimes don't understand, is that we’re not trying to go after a directional edge in the market, we’re trying to go after an implied volatil