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#358 - What Equipment & Tools Do You Need To Start Trading Options?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha. Welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be answering the question, “What equipment or tools do you need to start options trading?” Now, we’re specifically talking about kind of physical equipment and tools that you need and I really think it just comes down to having some sort of internet connection via a computer, a tablet or a phone. Really, nothing else is required. You don't need any fancy screens or monitors or software or desktop setups, fancy desks or chairs. It really doesn't matter and ultimately, you can do this from anywhere in the world which is why I love the markets and I love options trading so much. Now, I see a lot of guys and a lot of companies out there showing pictures and ads online of desktop setups for traders that have 17 different screens and all these different chair setups and desk setups, so that you can optimize your trading. Ultimately, I think a lot of that stuff is an ego driver for whoever is ultimately goi