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#333 - NFLX Earnings Expectations Were Grossly Optimistic



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about Netflix’s earnings expectations and why they were grossly optimistic. This I think is just more of a little bit of a case study in I guess understanding the market around earnings events. I have a little bit more experience than maybe some other guys in this industry on this because I used to be an analyst. I had a responsibility to cover REITs and all of these different REIT sectors, multi-family and industrial and corporate office, all of it. I have experience in going through these earnings cycles after knowing a little bit more about the company than maybe the average Joe. I had the ability to sit down and talk with the CEO and the CFO and we had models that predicted where the company was going to go. What I continue to tell people all the time is that even though we might have sat down with the CEO and we knew exactly what the company was valued at, they were pretty clear on