

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question, “What time of day do options expire?” This is an important question because as you're getting closer to options expiration, even trading options during the last day of expiration, it's really important to know what time of day they expire. Now, there is a difference between the time of day that they expire and the time of day that you can exercise or assign the contract and the time of day that they stop trading. There's a lot of different days and times that are kind of rolled up into one. The first thing you have to understand is that for most option contracts, they actually stop trading at 4:00 o'clock Eastern Standard Time. And so, that's when you can place your last potential possible trades in the market to close your position or remove the position from your account or get rid of the option position completely. That’s the last kind of trading time during the day. But wh