The "daily Call" From Option Alpha: Options Trading | Stock Options | Stock Trading | Trading Online

#275 - Futures Market Basics In Less Than 7 Minutes



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. On today's episode, we want to again, go back through some of the futures market basics and I want to try to do this all in less than seven minutes. Now, the idea behind today's call as opposed to some of the other ones that we’ve just done previously is that I want talk about more of the structure of the futures market and just generally how it works. We talked about the E-minis, we talked about some commodity futures, but I want to kind of run through some of these specifics on just general futures contracts and how the futures market behaves and what it can do for you as a trader or a speculator because I think it's really important to understand. The first thing you have to understand about a futures contract is obviously, it’s just simply an agreement between two people in the future for a specific asset at a specific price. Now, this is a little bit different than implied volatility in options trading because fut