

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to be talking about why being busy is a form of laziness. This I think is one of the most interesting things that I think about all the time. I mean, I literally geek out on this stuff all the time, on productivity and psychological hacks and just like how the mind works and how we as humans and investors, how we operate and how we think about things. And this one to me, I’ll tell you a quick little story as to where this really kind of started. We always hear this, I think in many cases, but to me, I saw this firsthand and it really made an impression on me back when I was working for Deutsche Bank and I was in the M&A space, so I was in mergers acquisitions. And our director, like our global head of M&A worked on our floor, so we were in the building on Wall Street and he would come in later in the morning for sure, so he would not be there the same time that we were there. But he would come