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#224 - Creativity Is Overrated As An Options Trader



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to be talking about why creativity is completely overrated as an options trader. I want to read you guys a quote from Ray Kroc. Now, I don't care if you guys agree necessarily with his, I guess business practices when it comes to how he basically manipulated and pushed out the original founders of McDonald's. There's a great movie about this. I forgot what the name is, but a great movie and story around this. I don’t care if you agree with this, but I agree with the quote that he said previously which is that creativity is completely overrated. He said, “Most business success comes from doing boring diligent work and from developing a system that produces consistent results and sticking to it.” And I could not agree more. I think what a lot of people do in this business in particular is that because options are so fluid and you can create so many different strategies and so many different payoff di