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#180 - Quick Guide To Trading Volatility With Options



Hey everyone, Kirk here again at and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to do hopefully a fairly quick guide on trading volatility with options. I say quick guide because I don't think that there's a lot that we have to go over to get the broad strokes. There's obviously a lot more detail and a lot more deep diving that you can do on volatility trading. But I want to try to get through the broad strokes here. If you’re new to options trading or if you’re even a sophisticated trader that’s been around for a while, there's probably a couple of key concepts that we need to cover. The first thing with trading volatility in general is that with options and specifically just calls or puts, however you want to think about it, we have the ability to trade volatility as an underlying asset class. Now, there’s two ways we can do this. We can trade volatility in and of itself through volatility products like VIX, VXX, UVXY, etcetera and we can trade the volatility of underlying securities
