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#122 - Why Do People Buy Options If Option Selling Is More Profitable?



Hey everyone, Kirk here again. Welcome back to the daily call. Today’s call is a very important question that I want to answer and spend the time answering today which is, “Why do people buy options if option selling is more profitable?” Huge question that I get. I mean, really… Hopefully if you saw the title of this podcast, you’re like, “Yes! Finally, Kirk! Let’s answer this question.” Because we inevitably get this or I inevitably get this all the time. In fact, every week as we do our free onboarding webinars even with people who signed up for pro and elite membership, they start going through the trainings and the courses, they realize how profitable it can be to consistently and religiously sell options, but the question then becomes, “If it’s so profitable, why do people buy options? Why is there another side of the track?” And so, I want to answer that today in probably three parts because I think there’s three main areas or reasons why and then everything else kind of dumps into these three. These ar