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#106 - Do You Have To Work In Finance To Trade Options Or Stocks For A Living?



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we are going to answer a big question that I get often which is – “Do you have to work in finance to trade options or stocks for a living?” The simple answer to this is absolutely, emphatically 110% no. You don't have to work in finance. You don’t have to have a finance background by any stretch to learn how to trade options successfully or learn how to trade stocks. In fact, to just even prove this point a little bit further, when I first got hired to work in New York for Deutsche Bank in their Mergers and Acquisitions Department, we were all brought in… Everyone who was hired basically for Deutsche Bank was brought into a huge room because there’s a lot of hires in New York at that time and everyone was brought into a huge room and they basically had us put our hands up based on degrees. They said, “Hey. How many people are finance degrees?” I do have a finance degree, so I put my hand up and I said, “I have a finance degree.” And then
