

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at and welcome back to the daily call. It is very early in the morning, so if my voice is raspy, I apologize, but my kids are sleeping. I usually record these in the morning anyway and today, I want to spend a little bit more time talking about a long call option strategy and just the basics around what a long call option strategy is. When I think about options trading, I think about options trading being building blocks. If you're a science guy or if you understand science or maybe way back when if you go back to your science class in high school, I think about long calls and long puts as basically those first elements on a periodic table of elements, helium and hydrogen. That’s what they are. They’re building blocks that we then start building other strategies off of or start using. When you first get started at options trading, you might first learn about a long call option strategy because it's the best transition or the easiest transition from stock t