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#57 - What I'll Do Different In The Next Bull Market



Hey everyone, Kirk here again and welcome back to the daily call. On today’s call, we’re going to talk about what I’ll do different in the next bull market. First of all, I just got back from a three day event, the mastermind group that I’m part of. Many of you maybe have heard me talk about it before or if you haven’t, maybe this is the first time. But I’m part of a mastermind group that’s been going about two and a half years now which has been really, really good. I pretty much cut back on all masterminds and coaching except for this one group which was a huge change for me because it was an insanely expensive one to get in and to maintain the relationship. But it's been a really good thing for me just personally, like businesswise, development wise, running this business, being an investor, being a trader. It’s been great. I met great people. The lesson for today is also that I wouldn’t shy away from paying a lot of money to be part of the right mastermind group. If you’re a part of those or the right mem