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#50 - How To Backtest Option Strategies In 18 Seconds



Hey everyone and welcome back to the daily call. On today’s call, I want to talk about how you can back-test your option strategies in 18 seconds. Now, I know that that sounds crazy you can do it in 18 seconds, but it’s true. You can totally do it in about 18 seconds. Now, the reason that I want to do this is because we haven’t really talked that much or haven’t really promoted that much our back-testing and trade optimization software. Although a lot of people grab that software every single day, I still see people all the time that are making very, very simple mistakes in how they trade because they just don’t know that it’s available. I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why somebody would not want to back-test their option strategy or try to optimize their option strategy before putting hard-earned money at risk. You wouldn’t buy a piece of real estate if you had no knowledge of how real estate worked or real estate prices or real estate valuations. But yet, all the time, I see people trying to enter