Prosperity On Air

[045] [045] Reiki, Energy and Spirituality Conversation with Tina Eloise



Reiki, energy and spirituality in everyday life: this is my recipe for living this life fully, connected to the natural rhythms of life and for creating what I desire.Scientists have proven and continue to prove that we are energy beings and that everything starts at the energy level: both what we want and what we don't want. There are thousands of studies that provide data and evidence about that.Becoming aware of our energy and learning how to balance and direct our energy towards what we want in life is not only necessary: it's the key and gateway to know who we really are and to own our power to live a joyful and fulfilling life. This is what spirituality is about and Reiki is the spiritual path that my guest in today's episode, Tina Eloise, and I have chosen.This is what we cover in today’s episode:- Reiki as a spiritual path. How Tina met Reiki- Everything happens fist at the energy level- Energy healing and mental health in challenging times- Success starts within you and how taking care of your energy