Mind Revolution

The Value of Making Tough Inward Turns



Over the last week, a theme was running through the people in my space — one of frustration. Many clients and students felt that they were doing all the right things but they weren’t getting the outcomes they wanted. It was happening in their businesses, sales, and relationships. By the end of the week, I had to use NLP to release frustration for myself!   If you can subscribe to the NLP idea that you are the sum total of your conscious and unconscious choices and can believe that you can train your unconscious mind, then I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The bad news: You’re responsible for your life experience. The good news: You’re responsible for your life experience. And you can shape that life experience by working with your conscious and unconscious minds.    If you feel like you’re doing everything you can but the results aren’t to your liking, here are some things to consider…   Are you going deep to uncover dominant limiting beliefs? Working on surface-level things can only get you so far. I