
Mental health Crisis and hospitalization - A parent's Journey with Kimberly Johnson



This week’s guest Kimberly Johnson joins me to talk about her parenting experiencewith a child who’s mental health occasionally requires hospitalization and t he ways inwhich our systems fail during mental health crisis causing pointless trauma.#IfYouCouldSeeMe began with about of synesthesia in the shower when as I washedmy hair I envisioned the hashtag. In that moment I knew that this was my mission: tohelp foster creativity, facilitate self-compassion, remind people of their innate goodness,and provide a nurturing space for them to find the truth of themselves within the depthsof their life's most challenging moments...and then speak them out loud for all to hear.There’s a lot going on here at The If You Could See Me Project! Work with Erin Mahone as a coach, join an I f You Could See Me cohort and become one of our brave storytellers, subscribe to the ReStory Community and receive exclusive monthly perks, bi-weekly zoom meetings with amazing people, and writing prompts to help you gain insight, grow your