
Getting R.E.A.L with Khadijah Tishan



The If You Could See Me Project is changing lives by helping people change their stories! Please support our work by making a monthly pledge through our Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/ifyoucouldseeme or by subscribing, liking and reviewing in apple podcasts, and by sharing with your friends! This week's episode is SO AWESOME!! Erin talks with therapist and author Kadijah Tishan. They talk about Kadijah's book, motherhood, Black Lives Matter, womanhood, being "crazy" and owning every bit of it! Khadijah Tishan is a Licensed Therapist, REAL Life Strategist and Published Author. REAL; How to Live and Serve Abundantly a memoir of generational trauma, mental health and work it takes create sustainable self care as a wounded healer. Radical Empathy and healing is so crucial for our work and I am working to change the narrative of generational trauma and burnout. Khadijah created a space for generational trauma breakers that offers tools strategy and support. REAL is available now on amazon. https://www.amaz