Johnny Rocket Launch Pad-libertarian Rock N' Roll Experience

Dune - The Last Nighters - Episode 92



Show Notes: Pumpkin spice season so we dive into David Lynch's adaptation of “Dune”. We return with some spice this week as Anarchist Luke Tatum of the Culture of Peace Podcast and the new game studio, Human Action Studio, joins us for this one. Luke recently read the novel, so there is some compare and contrast, as well as discussion about the upcoming adaptation that is more true to the novel coming late next year from the guy who brung you “Blade Runner 2049”. Next week we shall return from the dead as we discuss “Zombieland” with Rachel of Cannabis Heals Me. “Zombieland 2” is hitting theaters later this month, so there’s no time like the present to do an episode on the original. Show notes at: Look for it at the Launch Pad Media, where they are always launching new ideas in your direction: Reel Unconventional Film Analysis. We use movies as a starting point for people who may not be familiar with this way of thinking. The point is to s