The Ancientwisdomofthefeminine's Podcast

The Golden Era: La Cultura Cura - Healing through the Roots (Spanish Version)



"..the eternal feminine, the feminine principle put in your own DNA that liberation , that unique code, that key that only you can use to go into many dimensions that vibration that you choose to born with is a very sacred one. whatever it is your tradition or your religion or your country it doesn't matter it is the same force. in the very very essence of that because authentic vibration resides in the unity and understanding of the power that is for the authentic human being. it is the time for the human beings to remember who they are and begin to respect themselves in a deeply manner that you don't want to become something that you are not. in the very beginning of your traditions, religions resides the secret of where this was hidden in your DNA. when i observe it, i can see where it the bonding of the human being. there is no such thing of one human being better than the other, or one tradition better than the other. you wont respect anyone else’s traditions if you don't respect your own. you cannot res