Johnny Rocket Launch Pad-libertarian Rock N' Roll Experience

Johnny Rocket Launch Pad Episode #141: Actual Anarchy (w/ Steven Clyde)



Website Link: Show Summary: Is the left destroying this country? Is the left trying to take our guns, and our right to free speech? This week we challenge the left ideology with rising star in the liberty movement Steven Clyde! Steven shares his experience being an Austro-libertarian in a predominantly liberal college, and the monstrosities he has seen first-hand. So buckle up, and don’t have a sensitivity attack. About The Guest:  Steven is a 25-year-old college student at the University of Colorado - Denver and seeks to get his Ph.D. in economics long term with a minor in history. He spends his life reading, writing and spreading the idea of peace and liberty. Currently, he is the host of the Peace and Liberty Podcast, which is a Monday through Friday dose of history and economics, and you can check him out at where all his episodes are available, and where you can find donation and contact info. About the Co-Host:  Benjamin W