Johnny Rocket Launch Pad-libertarian Rock N' Roll Experience

​Johnny Rocket Launch Pad Episode #128: The New Agorist Brewer (Interview w/ Alexander Meyer)



Show Summary: What does drinking and Liberty have in common? Everything! This week we talk to serial entrepreneur Alexander Meyer from the New Agorist Brewing Company, and the really cool libertarian networking site, liberty. Menu!  Alexander talks about his goal of making beer for a living and the restrictions he faces with state and federal laws! If you like beer, then you can’t miss this one! About the Guest:  - Liberty activist since 2007 (w/ focus on providing my skills to the community) - Freelance Graphic designer and web developer - Ron Paul campaign volunteer 08 and 12 - Serial entrepreneur - Developed branding for McAfee/Weiss 2016 - Co-founder of, the online directory for the liberty movement - Homebrewer trying to turn it into a career - Hoping to bring New Agorist brand to market in OC and LA in a few months Guest Website New Agorist Brewing Company Host Website Johnny  Rocket Launch Pad Ignite Liberty! Get 30% OFF your order by using promo code : Launch