Johnny Rocket Launch Pad-libertarian Rock N' Roll Experience

​Johnny Rocket Launch Pad Episode #125: A New Liberty (Interview w/ Kimberly Schjang)



  Show Summary: Normally we talk to some libertarians who came from the right, in this episode we shake things up and talk to a libertarian who came from the left! This week we welcome Kimberly Schjang! Kimberly is a self-described newborn libertarian who has ditched the philosophies of socialism, and democracy. Kimberly has found that freedom, and liberty is the most important thing of all! Kimberly is new liberty! About the Guest: Kim was born in Las Vegas, Nevada in 1983. Born into a family with one older brother and a mother who took charge of raising both children by working 3 jobs and doing whatever it took to make sure her children had a better life than she did growing up in Las Vegas, Nevada as a native herself in 1959. Her family struggled often financially and lived in low-income neighborhoods around the Las Vegas area for more than the first two decades of her life.  Kim eventually attended the University of Nevada Las Vegas in August of 2001. After finishing a degree in Liberal Arts, English