Johnny Rocket Launch Pad-libertarian Rock N' Roll Experience

Johnny Rocket Launch Pad Episode #98: Remso W. Martinez



This week we have the youngest guest ever on the show, and a political prodigy! This week we welcome radio host of the Remso Republic and self -defined "conservatarian" Remso W. Martinez! This week we go into depth about the homeless problem in America, and how do we fix it? Is this country lazy, or do we need more tough love?  Remso is a activist and freelance writer who has contributed to sites such as FreedomWorks, Students For Liberty, The Libertarian Republic, the Liberty Conservative, Hypeline, the Farrell File, Johnny Rocket Launch Pad, and the Jason Stapleton Program. Remso was has served as staff for various Libertarian and Independent campaigns. He was the head policy analyst for the Brian Suojanen for Delegate campaign in Virginia, the former deputy campaign manager for Austin Petersen’s 2016 presidential campaign, and the campaign manager for Albert "Al" Billingsly, Independent candidate for city council in Lynchburg, Virginia. At his core Remso takes pride in being a community organizer, ha