Johnny Rocket Launch Pad-libertarian Rock N' Roll Experience

Johnny Rocket Launch Pad #47: Benjamin W. Powell



Let's Go To School!  This week the The Johnny Rocket Launch Pad Gets "schooled" with our very special guest Benjamin W. Powell. This episode we talk about: sweatshops, immigration, inflation, the welfare state, the fair tax and the serious"Stankfoot Epidemic" that has currently plaguing White Center Seattle. Professor Powell has appeared on The Fox Business Channel numerous times, Penn and Teller's Bullshit, The John Stossel Show, and Lou Dobbs Tonight. Professor  Powell  joined Texas Tech University to be the Director of the Free Market Institute and to teach in the Rawls College of Business in 2013. Professor Powell is also a Senior Fellow with the Independent Institute and the North American Editor of the Review of Austrian Economics. Prior to joining Texas Tech he was an Associate Professor of Economics at Suffolk University and an Assistant Professor of Economics at San José State University and the Director of the Center on Entrepreneurial Innovation at the Independent Institute. He became interested in