Confident Conversations

CC020 How and why employers make flexible working work effectively



Following the interview with Terrence Donovan in Episode 019, this week Kristal McNamara of Flexology discusses how and why employers make flexible working work effectively.  We discuss the different types of flexible working, the benefits to employer (and employee), whether all roles are suitable for flexible working, how senior management lead by example, and the importance of getting your flexible working strategy in place first. Kristal is qualified and experienced in Change and Programme Management, with many years experience in Financial Services as a senior leader. An accomplished people manager experienced with hiring, establishing and managing large teams, she is ideally placed to understand the needs of hiring managers. Flexology is dedicated to improving flexible work opportunities in the South West providing recruitment, training and consultancy services. The benefits of flexible working are compelling and there are now evidenced links to improved business and financial performance. Despite this,