Confident Conversations

CC019 How working as a part-time lawyer affects your career



How working as a part-time lawyer affects your career – Episode 019 Terrence Donovan is the Head of the Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury Department at City law firm Kingsley Napley. And a loving Dad. His medical work has always focused upon brain injury cases, particularly children with cerebral palsy as a result of birth injury, but over the years he has dealt with claims involving virtually every type of medicine. Terry's personal injury work centres on serious and catastrophic injuries.  He has recently acted in two high profile cases, both of which concerned fatal accidents abroad. As Head of Department he has a keen interest in the way in which legal services are delivered, and is a firm believer in innovation and development. Today our conversation is about his decision 20 years ago to work part-time so that he could be more involved in bringing up his children. We talk about this decision impacted his life and his career.  GUEST: Terrence Donovan, Partner & Department Head at Kingsley Napley