
Making Political Events Pay Off CW 73



  Are you wondering if attending political events is even worth your time, effort, and money? Are you tired of feeling like you are putting forth all of this effort to be at and throw different events, but have very little to show for it. Today I am going to give you tips on making political events pay off for your local political campaign or activist organization. I am excited to share these practical tips with you today because I know how frustrating it can be to do a political event and not have any real pay off for it. The advice I am going to share with you today is for things that I have learned either from others or the hard way. I know that these tips work because I have worked them myself! In this episode, you’ll learn: Why call to actions are so important- why you want to end every speech or presentation at political events with a practical call to action How to utilize volunteers at a political event- what things you can have volunteers do to help your political or activism campaign What to put on