
Overcoming Your Fears in Politics CW 72



  Politics is scary! Trust me, I understand! If you are going to run for local office and make a difference in your community, then you need to be able to overcome that fear. Today on Commonwealthy I am talking about overcoming your fears in politics. I am going to help you move past your fears by giving your practical things that you can do for specific fears related to politics. I am excited to be discussing overcoming your fear in politics today because I know how many people are sitting on the sidelines in front of their televisions watching politics instead of making a real difference because they are too scared to step out and get involved. I believe that today’s podcast will be a game changer for you and many others who have a desire to be involved in local politics. In this episode, you’ll learn: How to get over your fear of getting involved- what you can do to get started in local politics that isn’t as scary as you think Why you should consider bringing a friend with you- why there really is powe