
What Happens on Election Day CW 49



Have you been wondering what to expect for Election Day? What should you be doing now to make sure that you are ready for the big day? Join me today as we walk through a step by step timeline for what you and your volunteers should be doing on Election Day in your local political campaign. I am excited to be able to walk you through the big day, the Super Bowl of local politics, so that you are prepared with the right people and supplies to launch your campaign for local office into victory! No matter what local political office you are running for or political campaign you are helping, this is a podcast that will make sure you are prepared for the big Election Day! In this episode, you’ll learn: When your volunteers need to arrive- learn what volunteers need to be where and at what time so they are in the right place at the right time What to do about putting up yard signs – learn where to put up yard signs on Election Day to help people remember who to vote for Why you need a receptionist and campaign ho