
Using FOIA CW 46



I am so excited to finally have Jason A. Hart on the podcast to explain how to use FOIA. Every political activist should understand the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Jason is an Ohio based reporter who will give you the basics. It is essential that activists, candidates and concerned citizens keep tabs on their governing bodies. Both elected, as well as those who are employed by the taxpayers, need to be reminded that those they work for are watching. FOIA is key in finding out what government is doing and where the money is going. The world needs many more citizens requesting information, and voters demanding that the information be shared in a timely and forthright manner. Even if you don’t plan to immediately make any FOIA requests, you need to understand the right and the process. Unfortunately most people have never even heard of FOIA let alone used it. Jason makes it simple in today’s interview. In this episode, you’ll learn: What the Freedom of Information Act is- learn about FOIA and what is it