
Primary Election Strategies with Kristina Keats CW 34



Tina is back on the podcast today as we discuss primary election strategies. A primary election is slightly different than a general election in that you will be running against people from your same party. There will be a lower voter turnout and you will be contending for the vote of a smaller group of people. How can you set yourself up for success in a primary election? We’ve got some great tips and strategies for you today to help you get the advantage in your local primary election. If you are considering running for local office or are helping someone who is, then don’t miss this podcast! We will let you know what you need to know about primary election strategies for local political offices. In this episode, you’ll learn: Why you want to have a primary election- learn what the advantages are to having a primary election How primary elections earn you free publicity- learn how having a primary can provide you with unearned media attention When to use a petition challenge- learn when you want to cons