Audacious Mamas - Inspiration And Strategies For Mompreneurs

Consciousness and Energy - Episode 74



We've never before been in a time like this. Life is a giant rollercoaster, and events are intense and changing rapidly. The mental and emotional toll of all of it has put us in a place we've never experienced before. Never before have I seen the need to be hyper-aware of my mindset, energy, consciousness. And when I fail to stay conscious, I slip into a dark place. I'm emerging from a dark place with optimism sharing my thoughts on why all of us need to be aware of our energy and consciousness. I'll be spending more time covering this on the podcast. Also, my thoughts supporting women and moms focused on expanding our economic freedom via entrepreneurial pursuits. So if you have a side hustle in mind or are keen to build, start, or grow your business, stay tuned. I have some fantastic interviews set up with women who offer value in getting your business set up and structured correctly for efficiency, simplicity, and the least amount of effort. Simplify, simplify!! That's my new motto and how we can work to