Audacious Mamas - Inspiration And Strategies For Mompreneurs

Strategic JV Partnerships for More Income with Cindy Morus



My guest today is Cindy Morus, Business Breakthrough Strategist. Cindy is adept at finding the missing $10-100K in your business - yes REALLY. We discuss how you can rethink your relationships with other companies, including competitors, and leverage them to create passive referral income. It's an exciting concept and had me rethink a few things about the competition and related businesses that overlap what I do. Grab a notebook for this one; I'm sure the ideas will be flowing! If this is helpful, please share, rate, and review. Thanks for listening! Mentioned in this episode FREE PDF -> Generating Better Referrals and Recommendations Through Joint Venture Partnerships Cindy's Online Business Resources and Coaching Cindy's website -- Interested in Amplifying Your Authority? I have a method for strategically repurposing your content. We can create your minimum viable social platform so you show up in ALL the places your clients are looking and you'll have time