Audacious Mamas - Inspiration And Strategies For Mompreneurs

Things Change No Matter How Dark



Listen to your intuition. Believe in the ideas and the sense of things you have deeply embedded in your heart and mind. Focus on the optimistic positive outcomes in spite of what seems present. You will begin to see changes and your expected results.  Here Steph shares where she's heading with the two podcasts, what's around the corner, and a powerful message of hope that arose from a distant bleak memory of leading a double life and living in fear.  A favorite relevant passage from a special book by Ernest Holmes, The Thing Called You. "It is certain that you must fast from fear if you wish to establish faith. You must fast from confusion if you hope to enter into tranquility. It matters not if your transitions from the negative into the affirmative seems slow, if the ascent from your valley of negation to the mountain top of realization seems difficult. Each step will bring you nearer the summit." Here for digital strategies and tips?  Check out -> The 6-Step Formula for Creating Succesful Promo Video