Audacious Mamas - Inspiration And Strategies For Mompreneurs

Stop the Spinning Tune In and Cultivate Your Relationship With Yourself to Find Your Innate Guidance



Gia Lili is a Conscious Relationship Guide. What is that you may ask. Tune in and discover more about the world of things unseen. Learn how you can explore and tap into the energy around you and inside of you in an empowering way that allows you to tune in and take steps forward with greater confidence and less confusion. There is a path of least resistance that exists when we're able to tune in and listen to our own inner guidance. This is a new skill that many of us have never developed or don't realize exists. We're so busy churning our work and activity in the name of production     Mentioned in this podcast....     Gia Lili's website   Complimentary Deep Dive Session with Gia   You Conscious Relationship Guide on Facebook   Follow Gia Lili on Instagram