Audacious Mamas - Inspiration And Strategies For Mompreneurs

Mothering Mentor Helps Us Find Our Super Powers and Our Kryptonite



Souzzann Zink is a master when it comes to guiding moms to bring out the best in their kids - and themselves. Her experience helping over a thousand parents, including private clients and in transformational workshops in 3 countries, shapes her current specialized work with visionary moms. In addition to over two decades of classroom and administrative experience in public and private Montessori schools, and an MAED, she is the author of over a dozen books and manuals, former host of a Montessori TV show with over 20,000 viewers, and creator of the Mothering Archetypes. Find out your mom superpowers and your “kryptonite” (what throws you off course under stress) -   Mentioned in this interview and how to reach out to Souzzann...     Souzzan's main website   What is Your Mothering Archetype?