Audacious Mamas - Inspiration And Strategies For Mompreneurs

The Mompreneur Dance: Managing 5 Kids, Multiple Employees, Courses and Podcasts



Kim Sutton is a mom to five children, a digital marketer, professional launch strategist, infopreneur and podcast host. Her faith has kept her grounded and flying at the same time. Weaving her ethics and Christian beliefs into her work in a way that makes her attractive to anyone who desires a loyal, creative strategist, who pours herself into everything she sets out to do. She's happily married to Dave, her entrepreneur husband, and together they've found a way to keep themselves peacefully rooted in the midst chaos of having three children under age three while building their businesses together at home. Listen as Kim shares her behind the scenes tips on what a day is like for them.   Where to find more about Kim...   Sutton Strategic Solutions   Sutton Creative Studios   Kim Sutton on Twitter