Medicare Nation

Where Do I Go To Get Tested For The Corona Virus?



Hey Medicare Nation! We're smack in the middle of a Corona Virus Pandemic! The Medicare Nation I wanted to give you an episode that is full of USEFULL information. I know you've been hammered by the news, internet and newspapers about the Corona Virus. Let's start with a very important fact: Human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s. The 1960's people! the coronavirus gets its name from a distinctive corona or in a scientists world…a “Crown of Sugary Proteins,” that projects from the surface of the virus. There are four main types of Human Corona Viruses Alphacoronavirus,  Betacoronavirus,  Gammacoronavirus, and  Deltacoronavirus. The first two only infect mammals, including bats, pigs, cats, and humans.   Gammacoronavirus mostly infects birds such as poultry (chickens) and Deltacoronavirus can infect both birds and mammals. Do you recognize the Virus named SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome abbreviated as …. (SARS-CoV) SARS-CoV (the beta coronavirus.  Guess what it causes?  It causes