Medicare Nation

Is ColoGuard Covered Under Medicare?



Multi Target Stool DNA Test  vs. Fecal Occult Blood Test  Hey Medicare Nation! Have you subscribed to Medicare Nation? Don’t know how? If you have an Apple iPhone……. Click on the “Purple” icon…. With the white microphone. When the page opens….Click on SEARCH. Type in Medicare. Medicare Nation comes right up… WHY……BECAUSE….. it’s a TOP 100 APPLE PODCAST Nation! Click on that Beautiful Flag “Medicare Nation” Logo. When the page opens….Click on the SUBSCRIBE button! That’s it. You’ll get the latest information on Medicare and you can search through the almost 100 episodes on Medicare Information! Are Your Parents subscribed to Medicare Nation? Come On “Sandwich Generation” Show your parents HOW to Subscribe to Medicare Nation! Once they subscribe…. They will STOP asking you questions about Medicare, because they WILL Find the answer by listening to Medicare Nation episodes! Let’s give YOU back some time…. So that YOU can have more time for yourself   Today…..I’m going to be talking to y