Medicare Nation

2019 Medicare Premium & Deductibles MN085



Hey Medicare Nation! It's October! Lots of changes going on in the Medicare landscape. Social Security recently announced the 2019 COLA, and for those of you on Social Security and Social Security Disability, you will be receiving a 2.8% raise in your monthly check. Social Security raise goes into effect January 1, 2019. Social Securtiy Disbility goies into effect December 31, 2018. Some more good news is.....the payroll taxes for Medicare & Social Security are staying the same in 2019. Yeah!! The combined tax rate for Social Security & Medicare will remain at 7.65% in 2019 for employees. The combined tax rate for Self Employed will also remain the same in 2019 at 15.30% When Social Security authorizes a COLA raise, that is the signal that Medicare Part B Premiums may also rise. For 2019, that's exactly what happened. Let's take a look at the 2019 Medicare Premiums & Deductibles. Medicare Part A In 2019, the Medicare Part A Deductible for being an inpatient in the hospital is going up to $1,364.00